Starkstrom UPS Repair & Emergency Support
Emergency Starkstrom UPS Repair, IPS Servicing, Technical Support, Maintenance Visits, Same Day Onsite Response
Medical UPS Repair Experts
UPS and IPS emergency repairs and replacements
Emergency Batteries
Onsite UPS battery replacements including disposal and recycling
Contract Not Required
Don’t worry we will provide UPS technical support for any situation
UPS Batteries
All UPS installations should have been installed in line with HTM guidelines which recommend dual battery strings and a minimum of a 10 year design life, however when batteries are installed in plant rooms with poor temperature controlled environments these batteries could fail after a much sooner period. UPS Power Services keep stock for 24 hour 7 day battery replacements and will advise on improving environmental conditions to extend the service life of your battery installation.
When contacting medical technology providers for assistance, there will be normally be separate specialists on UPS and IPS (Isolated Power Supplies). In some cases, the UPS element is subcontracted which means higher maintenance and service costs. We are UPS specialists and do not subcontract, however if you require assistance with your IPS then we can put you directly in contact with a specialist in this area.
Medical UPS Systems Supporting Critical Care Equipment
UPS Repair / Replacement on UPS Models and Sizes
Our engineers have vast experience with all Starkstrom UPS supplied and installed since 2005. The UPS engineering partners include Powertronix UPS, AEC UPS, Borri UPS, Riello UPS and CertaUPS. If you have a query on a particular model, contact us and we can discuss in further detail.
The legal requirements and best practices for the maintenance and service of Tertiary Power Supplies, defined as a third supply usually in the form of a UPS or battery system are set out in the Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 06-01 Downloadable from the gov website here DOWNLOAD HERE
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Hospital UPS Systems
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems are a critical part of a hospital’s power supply infrastructure. When coupled with Isolated Power Supply (IPS) Systems and back-up generators, they provide the operating room and other critical care areas with continuity of power in the event of a supply failure.
IEC 60364-7-710 and HTM06-01 states that in the event of loss of power, all the medical locations where isolated power is installed (that is, “Group 2” and “Clinical Category 5” locations) require power to be resumed (for life supporting equipment) within a maximum of 0.5 seconds.
Service Contracts
Although a service contract is the ideal method of ensuring your UPS estate is correctly maintained, we won’t hold you to ransom or penalise labour or callout charges. A maintenance or service contract is not required to get assistance from us.
Call us on 0800 112 3654 or email
Emergency UPS Support
If your UPS suddenly stops working or throws out a fault signal, we can get a replacement unit to site or replacement parts and batteries in as little as 4 hours
Bringing together some of the industry’s most experienced and talented people, we are committed to improving standards across the emergency power landscape through reliable and efficient delivery of all our services.
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Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, S41 9ED